What was the last question you asked?

What was the last question you asked? Did you ask about where your keys were? Did you ask what groceries to bring? Did you ask a loved one or a friend? What was the last question you asked someone you absolutely despise? What does it matter?
For a long time we thought humans were unique in using tools that assisted our survival such as those for fishing and hunting until we observed chimpanzees using sticks to fish for insects. Then we thought we were unique in our ability to use complex languages to communicate with each other until we trained a gorilla named koko to speak a form of sign language. Then we thought we were unique in our ability to engineer complex tools such as hammers and axes, tools that ushered in the Stone Age for humanity and allowed us to build contraptions that morphed us into masters of our environment rather than be constrained by it. We thought we were unique in this regard until recently when we realized chimps can do it too.
Turns out there is only one thing humans do that no other species has yet demonstrated. The only thing that sets us atop the world as THE dominant species is our ability to ask a question. This ability comes from the recognition that each individual is distinct and therefore has their own experiences, experiences that define how that individual interacts with the world and with others; and the recognition that others possess knowledge that he may not.
That recognition however is often undermined by our egos. It deludes into thinking that “I” have all the knowledge there is to have and therefore there is no reason to ask. That the language and accent “I” speak is the correct way to speak and anyone who speaks differently is inferior to me. The way “I” look like is normal and anyone who looks different is inferior. This failure to recognize the individuality of other human beings has led to many wars. It has made powerful people commit genocide. It has had powerless people support genocide. It haunted the world of yesterday. It plagues the world today still. And it all can be avoided with one question, because that single question makes your enemies human. So, what was the last question you asked?